Here you’ll find the 100 most recent comments posted to Join in the conversation.
Bittersweet … thank you !!
Easier said then done luckily I have a certified support bird a quacker parrot who doesn’t leave my shoulder Zoey…
Cat, I’m sorry to learn about your situation. Though I don’t relate to your particular experiences I absolutely sympathize. Not…
Hi ime recently gone through vaginoplasty Ime all lady now n life is great just wish ide get past hospital…
Me encanta “la comida que el corazón necesita para seguir adelante!” Con lo que alimentamos el corazón es lo que…
I adore this Franches! Perfect timing – even though I’m reading your post weeks after you wrote it. I’ve been…
Franches it is great that you are bringing into the light, this part of life for a trans person -…
Tienes una hermosa observación, Franches. Para una empresa tan grande, es un mensaje tierno. Tuve una sensación similar en Nueva…
Oh that is beautiful, and touching, Franches. It doesn’t hurt that I adore the multi-camera stop-motion photography, which lends a…
Wow, Jo! This was meant to be thought-provoking but I’m gladly surprised by your comment. It seems to me that…
… y ya no conozco a una de ellas.
That is a to-the-point post, one sentence! I just happens to speak directly to something on the mind – am…
… and now I don’t know one of them.
Great to read both of your comment replies! Different perspectives, all valid. I realized yesterday, that I don’t even feel…
Jean, as I’ve described in some of my comments on this post, I never saw my decision as killing my…
Thanks for your comment Jo. I believe it’s a matter of perspective. I never saw or thought of my personal…
Dear Franches, at first I saw the header “Curiosity Beats Fear’ – ‘A personal story based on a note by…
That explication is useful to me. When I was a teenager, I had violent worries about transitioning, feeling that I…
Yes, you’re right Jo. I’m not talking about ending my life, but rather the end of my original gender expression/presentation.…
A very strong post – dealing with a big issue for trans people. Thank you for this. I hope everyone…
Thanks Jo. It has been tougher than I thought during this covid-19 pandemic. Though there is so much more worth…
[…] Puedes encontrar la versión hermana en español de este artículo en Curiosidad mata miedo. […]
[…] Volteo de cabeza la idea original de Chejov. Para ganar lo que siempre había querido tendría que suicidarme. Después…
I treasure all of your posts! I’ll be happy to see another whenever it arrives ..
My thought process for this surgery was my most private and personal to that point. Even just to consider surgery,…
A super delicate topic, well handled. In particular, the balance of letting some people know, and carefully, not others, and…
Thanks Jo. As I commented earlier to this post, it’s a tough subject to discuss openly. I wrote and posted…
Franches, a very sensitive and thought out post, about a real topic. Interestingly, it’s not strictly a trans topic -…
Jo, it’s important to say that just like not all trans people suffer from gender dysphoria, for those that do,…
This is a profound post, Franches. I’m also not in the state of gender dysphoria, even though my letter for…
Maybe “being satisfied” is a fine line between being ok with the imperfect aspects, even when they can be improved,…
[…] my identity under the word ‘trans’ or ‘transgender’. This even after I had gone full time and I had…
I love this phrase Franches – “but I have to find the way to at all time be satisfied with…
At first I really believed I was doing all these little things, like my yellow post-it, to help others “ease…
Oh my Jo! It’s been a heavy past couple of years at this point. As much as I wanted to…
I love this post! And your phrase, “It was not for others; it was for me!” That is far more…
Who knew that that state of the world would continue until now? Your choices are good and I’m doing the…
You’re absolutely right. Another part of that view is that if you’re good with yourself, even if there’s rejection, it…
[…] a respectable, dependable and honorable person. Then I opened up and went ahead through my process (I still don’t…
It does get easier. And as I progressed I could then spend more time and brain cycles working on more…
[…] years reinforcing my male deportment. Since 2011 when I went through what I refer to as my learning explosion,…
It was never a planned experience, or laying down a roadmap. It has been taking little bites and eating away…
Jo, that’s the whole point. I never thought it would be even remotely an option. Yet I was there. I…
[…] Just before my last Wednesday’s ballet class started I lived through another out of body experience. […]
I have thought so much about this. I see other trans women online that look as confident as they can…
[…] communicate or transmit to them all the facets and nuances of how I feel and what I’ve lived. Every…
Write down your questions and don’t forget to go through the list when you speak with the surgeons. On my…
As much as I was ok with my voice when I originally wrote this post, there was always room for…
I think you’re mixing 2 things that are not the same. Yes, age is a total factor, but IMO it…
It was a true revelation when I wrote these posts a few years back that everything I’ve done is for…
It’s also our attitude to the world – when we’re proud, and not showing fear, then people are more comfortable.…
You’re making me laugh. Because I love driving a standard. Well, my efforts are like driving a very old car,…
That is a subtle thought you’ve shared. It helps me see that it doesn’t have to be a revolution -…
Lovely to read. “exceedingly gratifying.” I’ll admit I envy you. I don’t think I could do it. You can pull…
A beautiful description. Feeling female inside, I always felt I was working to “pass” as a man. Then it’s the…
A very good description, thoughtful. I’m making a list of questions – such as, how much nerve damage is expected?…
This really makes sense to me. I feel the same. It matters to me, but passing, and how people judge…
Love it, “In essence all this shit has made me happier.” I continually doubt myself on account of age, and…
Reading this page was a pleasure again! This is such a true statement: “Now I know that it was the…
[…] knew that if anyone found out I would be labeled evil or deviant or some other nasty social stigma.…
Well, in regards to lashes and specifically coloured contacts, you don’t have to try everything I’ve done just the was…
I think it’s important to say that not everyone relates to my experience. I believe a lot of people make…
[…] feel like life is settling. As I practice and gain experience doing things over and over there is a…
Jo, everything is relative! You could say that you have so much to do, but if you just focus on…
This is such an inspiring story! I never got the lashes I bought on, and have never tried any contacts…
I love your charts and how you formulate the explanations! The “Pull” identity is great – sounds so much healthier,…
It’s striking that you moved so quickly! Actually, an inspiration to me 🙂 It helps reading your post – I…
I really like that it’s a gift for yourself. Certainly for me too. A gift that keeps on giving every…
Thank you Jo! I’m hoping sharing this helps others. Ultimately, many of my worst fears about transitioning did not come…
Jo, could it be that when you say you see yourself “already-transitioned” in your dreams, that it’s you always? I…
Thank you both for this! So many important topics, and delicate considerations – I appreciate Penny for sharing this, and…
[…] transition for being afraid. In my case I had no such diagnosis and wasn’t afraid because I never ever…
[…] in those days the words were very derogative and offensive. The sentence hurts me because I can only imagine…
Jo, I hope that what I wrote in this post inspires you to move forward in whichever way works best…
Omigod, this is a strong post. It shocked me, but so great that you talk about it openly. That feeling…
It’s such a personal thing. I believe the majority of trans and non binary individuals find that validation, recognition, completeness,…
Epilators are good after your face gets used to the beating. My main thing with them is that epilators don’t…
Jo, another idea or word that comes to mind is ‘calibrating’. I’m always trying to calibrate my interactions with other…
I don’t know if it’s luck or what, but either I seem to be surrounded by more open minded people…
Seeing those 6-1/2 months in the rear view mirror now I see that it was actually a long time. I…
It’s a complex combination of every little detail, similar to working on multiple dimensions at the same time. And each…
[…] a little bit of background. I’ve always been trans but most of my life I kept it to myself. …
[…] a few months and then I’ll peal the layers. In a nutshell my timeline went like this: First I…
[…] You’ve heard the expression “practice makes perfect”, which as expected just means that the more you do something the…
Makes sense to me Franches – where it counts – “I get validation, recognition, completeness, empowerment, etc. from people’s reaction…
Oh, an inspiring and scary article, for me! You lead the for me to restart electrolysis. I tend to prefer…
The different parts being there, at the same time, cf. the idea of the spectrum in the photo, resonates so…
The professional angle, being surrounded by professionals, makes a lot of sense. Educated people are less likely to be ignorant,…
6-1/2 months seems such a short time, so brave, to me. I love reading and hearing about you doing that.…
I love how you’ve paid so much attention! Especially to movement, and voice. You’ve said “every detail matters,” and that’s…
[…] never related to this conceptualization or visualization of a transition. The main reason is that I never had a…
[…] March 2016 I had already decided I would be seeking quotes from surgeons to get FFS. In those early…
[…] in the opposite way as the gender marker in my IDs has not been an issue. In my passport I have…
[…] I’ve written about some of my early memories and awareness I learnt something new about me. Something so big, staring…
[…] After writing an open letter to my comfort zone, I’ve been wanting to write a love letter to my…
[…] with myself until months after surgery and recovery. In the meantime I put a lid on this worry and…
[…] my case I first went through all the assessments and paperwork and almost at the last minute I decided…
[…] Let me explain. I always (always) wondered what it would be like living as and having the body of…
[…] Ma relation avec mon pénis est passée d’un élément qui me définissait à quelque chose qui n’ajoutait pas beaucoup…
[…] English version […]