As part of my group of articles on ‘My Approach to FFS Surgery Research’, I’m honoured that the 4th and final article in this series has been published on the FACIALTEAM’s blog. This time the post talks about my cynical eye on social media for surgery research.

My Gender Affirming Surgery Research: Navigating Social Media

Social Media AppsThis 4th article on ‘My Approach to FFS Surgery Research‘ series digs deep into the websites I used. I’ve already said in my other posts that I have a cynical eye when it comes to anything online. So here too I explain in detail how I tried to read in between the lines. In this essay about social media for surgery research I deconstruct my observations and how they helped me short list surgeons.

At the end, what I’d want readers to takeaway would be to have an open mind. Look beyond the words on someone’s social media post, or a specific reply from a surgeon. Read/hear/see those social media posts in a larger context. After all, when we do our research for surgery we are building a foundation for a life changing procedure. In the end, I only made a decision on which surgical centres to go for surgery after I spoke with the surgeons and not only from my  online research.